This agreement cannot be blocked in any way. This deal was already approved the moment it was announced. Do you really think Microsoft and Activision have no other plans? Microsoft and Activision have already merged. Sony fan kids can keep crying on the edge of another wall...
This deal should be blocked. Microsoft has bought plenty of studios already, including billion dollar purchases like Minecraft, ZeniMax and now Activision. Enough is enough. They should try to nourish the studios that they already own, instead of buying up the entire industry.
This agreement cannot be blocked in any way. This deal was already approved the moment it was announced. Do you really think Microsoft and Activision have no other plans? Microsoft and Activision have already merged. Sony fan kids can keep crying on the edge of another wall...
This deal should be blocked. Microsoft has bought plenty of studios already, including billion dollar purchases like Minecraft, ZeniMax and now Activision. Enough is enough. They should try to nourish the studios that they already own, instead of buying up the entire industry.
you didn't read the article???
So, in keeping with this spirit, you should make all future Bethesda games multiplatform as well including nintendo and sony
Not happening, bethesda has nothing to do with this, and that ship has sailed.
make something in house instead of buying up all of what has already been created.